Everything About Android !

Monday, June 19, 2017

Battle Bay

Cover art
Battle Bay is a surprise release from Rovio. Even more surprising is that it's a MOBA. Instead of characters, players will drive different boats. Each one has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. It plays like most

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

15 Best Android Tablets In The World

15 Best Android Tablets In The World

If you're looking for a tablet and don't fancy an iPad, then Android is currently the way to go. (Don't know what an Android tablet is? Check out: what is an Android tablet?)

There are other options out there; Windows 7 tablets are available, Windows 8 tablets are coming soon, the Blackberry Playbook is on sale now and the HP TouchPad has come and gone in a flurry of £99 ($150) panic-buying. But Android 4.0 (soon to be Android 4.1) is currently the main OS rival to the iPad, and the products are still making their way onto the shelves.

Read 10 Best tablet PCs in the world today

Chicken Scream GAME


hicken scream is a fun and interactive non tapping addictive game where your voice controls the chicken.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Best Browser For Android


There is all world is under the android. There are now every man using Android smart phones. Smart phones has moderate the browsing. There are really nice browsing feauters of Android devices. There are really good browsing app according to its speed, updates and user interference. There are apps which is shown below are operate in Android up 2.3 version.
Here are the list of Best Browsing Apps for Android
1. UC Browser

App To Convert Android Os Into Blackberry Os

If you are using android in your phone. And you feel tired about using android in all day. Then don't vary we have a solution of it. Now we can convert android into blackberry 10. Its really work but they donot work on latest android version like jelly bean. You can use native android code. If you've converted and signed android apps before. It should be easily. You will have a PC To convert follow these steps

Android SDK
You have copy everything from sdk/build tools to sdk /platform tool.

Friday, March 7, 2014